you became my first bully
with how much of a choice
no one will ever know
love wasn't absent in our household
from one person to two
from six to six wasn't an equation at sight
we luckily didn't lack care
care to not appear (too) poor for others
care that someone didn't die
at the hands of another
although fights were bumps in love
necessary, caused by children
echoed the hereditary fairytale in the household
chained by pride/ego, (self-infused) sin
and a seed of blind love
that grew rotten in abuse and despair
at least someone had their love
yet not well performed
i'm sorry your parents aren't better either
i'm sorry the spouse isn't better
'cause who would you learn from
- Info
Satunnainen teksti
parents i / the circle
- ⛶ Book 1: Henkäys 71
- ⛶ haiku 17
- ⛶ you-poetry series 7
- ⛶ i-poetry series 6
- ⛶ naked thought 5
- ⛶ queer 2
The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!
Number of poems still to be translated
- fi 515