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Satunnainen teksti

11am (iv)

i told you about a pot full of shards
i slided your hand under my shirt
i let you touch

my sensitivity frequency turned to southeast
on tiptoes, but not with you

we formed a protective shell together
           or so i thought
until you slammed me on the wall




Under the love
in this life
you'd rather be in pair



The fog eats my brain cells
competing with time
My saturation weakens
           the colors are leaving my body
I'm scaling to the void
           can you still see me?

The true colors are a memory
in your memories of me
My whirling mind sunk into blackness
           I am lost



I spread myself open like a flower
like an iron I hold
two realities

I swallow the time
I wrap myself into a knot
throwing myself downhill


The world

In the details there's beauty
you taught me: less is more
love dances in the night
fireflies show the way

You sleek my cracks together
hand in hand with the sand of time
the heat of the earth elevates us to the heavens
like the volcanic eruption I acknowledge
           the space to breathe



In silence, I stroked you
I drew pictures of the future in my mind
I overthrew my concerns to the sedating movements
your still expression made me ripple
- life is here




The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!

Number of poems still to be translated

© 2012-2025 Kettu Saarinen. All rights reserved.