Sometimes I don't want to think
how your eyes shine
while you're watching the same moon
when in reality I'd want something else
- something teeny tiny else -
kiss the same mouth
which every day prints
your inner being with sounds, breaths and sighs
that carries the ingredients of life
and makes me smile like a rose bouquet
which was brought home on the first day
- Info
Satunnainen teksti
- ⛶ Book 1: Henkäys (71)
- ⛶ haiku (16)
- ⛶ you-poetry series (7)
- ⛶ i-poetry series (6)
- ⛶ naked thought (5)
- ⛶ queer (2)
The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. My apologies, the process takes quite a long time with this many poems. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!
Number of poems still to be translated
- fi 515