Behind the black and white lights lies the blue rainbow into my heart
Do you know how to melt the ice at the right temperature
to hear the song, in which's pace my heart beats
breathe the same air with me, from me to you and vice versa
Can I touch the tip of your nose with mine,
do you feel how the warmth leaves the stem of my toe
Can you notice the magic?
My heart melts quietly from the back door of my mind
can you hear the steps that are meant for you
to mark the path
Do you see me?
- Info
Satunnainen teksti
- ⛶ Book 1: Henkäys 71
- ⛶ haiku 17
- ⛶ you-poetry series 7
- ⛶ i-poetry series 6
- ⛶ naked thought 5
- ⛶ queer 2
The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!
Number of poems still to be translated
- fi 515