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Satunnainen teksti

Minä ja maailma

Monen huteran seinän
pohja kaipaa vahvistusta
Maa tärisee
jokainen meistä on joskus pulassa

Maalatut kasvot "täydellisestä ihmisestä"
kylpevät mielen auringonvalossa
luodussa loistossa lahoten

Silmät katsovat minuuteen
"Näkevätkö ne totuuden?"


Panic of the mind

In the dark space
many eyes, staring
Prickly rough hands
groping, the very surface of the skin

Head in hot steam,
in room, in space,
in a vat?
Ponders thoughts in a boiling nodes
for a way out


The living dead

Breathers of the Death
wander on earth
everyone loves, at least one

Coldness steams,
some fulfill
a dangerous task, unauthorized, maybe


The purr of a fire gyre

I lick your ear and serve my lap
I purr with you to the sunrise

In the light of a campfire there's a bare silhouette
fingering your eyes more lustfully than the flames

Would you open your legs and swallow my mind
like a wolf that's howling at the moon




The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!

Number of poems still to be translated

© 2012-2025 Kettu Saarinen. All rights reserved.