Can love run out from a person
How much does the psyche last
before it detaches from the soma
Does a dark past help
to see the shades of life
If desired is everyone strong enough
to find a good life for themselves
Can all the answers be found in the water?
- Info
Satunnainen teksti
- ⛶ Book 1: Henkäys 71
- ⛶ haiku 17
- ⛶ you-poetry series 7
- ⛶ i-poetry series 6
- ⛶ naked thought 5
- ⛶ queer 2
The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!
Number of poems still to be translated
- fi 515