Can I get inside your soul
to split your emotions in half
digging into your essence (into love)?
Is your dualism even
or are you swinging on the edge of the reality's extremity
almost dropping yourself over to the gray world of understanding.
Where does your life force upwells from
your flame is so sparkly multicolored
even though your worldview is in the shades of gray.
Is soul actually immortal
or is it forever connected to the flesh
where it came into being while the stars aligned in the right way.
Where do the lines of the levels go
to another dimension and worth
when they connect to the nature and aren't named by us.
Is the soul real
or the progeny of our evolutional material minds
physically tactile thing that by its wisdom detaches from the body.
When do we learn
to reconnect our hidden selfs
we'll find even the last crumb from the many times inverted bottom of a sandbox.
- Info
Satunnainen teksti
- ⛶ Book 1: Henkäys 71
- ⛶ haiku 17
- ⛶ you-poetry series 7
- ⛶ i-poetry series 6
- ⛶ naked thought 5
- ⛶ queer 2
The poems have currently been translated all the way back to October 2016, others will mostly appear in Finnish. I hope you can still enjoy the ones that are translated!
Number of poems still to be translated
- fi 515